Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New Samples Browser

Please do me a favor and test the new samples' browser:


Go ahead and try to break it or suggest features (don't bother asking to auto-expand zip archives, not going to happen in this version of the feature)

I know I'm posting this url to the web but let's just keep between us for a few days while I work the kinks out...


teru said...

I tried a couple of combos and it was unbelievably fast. I love the match all and match any tags option. This is way beyond greatness Victor. : )

I did get confused with the "Go" button at first though. It's hard to see that search window against the white. Would it not fit at the very bottom under "clear all"? Just a first impression.

Is there any way for a BPM search option too? That would kick so much ass.

But again way beyond greatness. : )

fourstones said...

thanks teru -- it's been a long time coming, reusing the remix listing for samples was just lame from the beginning.

bpm search in addition is really the way to go... ok, I'll do that tomorrow.

And I'll darken the background for the text search box so the edit field stands out a little more.

teru said...

"text search box"

Ahh that's what it's called. I don't know how you understand what I'm saying half the time. ;)

Gurdonark said...

I like the look of it a lot.

"guitar": results took 5+ seconds, turned up great list of pertinent samples.

"harp" took < 2 seconds, turned up small list of good samples.

"hip hop" turned up only a few samples, and a different universe than "hip-hop".

"Hip" turned up a different, much more extensive list as did "hop". "Hip" and "hop" seemed to generate different lists from one another.

fourstones said...

Well the search is actually looking through the entire record, not just the tags -- you're the second person tonight to assume the latter -- so ALL matching records with the letter combination of 'hip' is being returned

artist: hipnotic
tag: hip_hop
description: a hippy guitar lick


I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to clear that up.

Marco Raaphorst said...

I love it! Great interface, fast and simple to use.

The only thing I noticed is a horizontal scrollbar which is added when a long list is showing. Maybe make the list-box a little wider?

Gurdonark said...

I did not assume it was a "tag" search, but assumed it was a "tag and text" search. So it's not surprising that "hip" would net "hipgnosis" or "hippo". The thing I noticed is something else, which I'll try to articulate by a better description.

When I run the tag "hip", there is an Oerski RTN mix. Unless I'm doing something wrong, the search term "hip" turns up a different list, which does not include this mix. That's the asynchrony that suggests to me it's a "text but not tags" search, although I don't know anything, of course, and merely point out the search result.

fourstones said...

what 'search' are you talking about?

the one embedded in the new sample browser?

or the search field at the top of every page on the site?

The sample browser will not return oerski remix under any conditions because it's not marked as a "sample"

Gurdonark said...

My goodness. It's not happening now. I could have sworn I was entering in the samples box, but do not swear it. I'd rather chalk it up to my own error, as I can't duplicate it this evening.

This new engine is much more useful than the old engine. It's a real step forward.

Any chance of creating a little area in which the bpm ranges are all set aside for easy clicking?

In other words, if the bpm tags were put in little rows, by fives or tens, that would make it even easier to find them. But it's already easy enough, so that my suggestion may just be more hassle when the current system ain't broke.

fourstones said...

n other words, if the bpm tags were put in little rows, by fives or tens, that would make it even easier to find them. But it's already easy enough, so that my suggestion may just be more hassle when the current system ain't broke.

This exactly what I was thinking of doing today. It's a little work but I think it would be worth it.