Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Quintessential Solstice Event


Quintessential Solstice Event

Happy holidays to mixters and listeners alike!  It is again that time of year, when we celebrate the Solstice and the marked moments of the season. The time to gather round and share with friends and family is upon us.  Let's make some music while we're at it!

For this year's event we choose the five elements--Fire, Earth, Water, Air and the fifth (or quintessential) element that combines them — the life force — as our theme for the last remix event of 2022.  We feel this theme resonates with the culture we're so fortunate to be a part of here at ccMixter.

For, in our community, the quintessential element is rooted in the act of creating music with musicians from around the globe, and sharing that music with listeners near and far.  And now that our next musical celebration is upon us, we ask you to tap into that fifth force as the year ends and the new year begins.

“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.”Margaret Atwood

What do you think of when you see the snow fall? When you hear the jingle of bells? When you feel the warmth of candles lit around the fireplace?  We ask you to infuse those emotions in your remixes even if your chillin' on the beach in the southern sun, or immersed in the metaverse. Wherever you happen to be, the quintessential force of creativity is where the true holiday spirit resides.  Give the gift of music right here with all of us.

Now's the time to join us!  Get all the event details right here.

This post will be followed up with a playlist once the mixes start coming in.

Happy Solstice from everyone at ccMixter!

Update: The remixes are already coming in!  Get them here:

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