Saturday, July 30, 2022

Remixes Featured at 39th Annual IASD Art Exhibit

Thanks to the amazing work and artistry of ccMixter artist Susan Ackerman Joseph (aka "sackjo22"), a playlist of recently produces remixes was featured in the Dream Art Exhibit in Tucson, Arizona during the 39th annual IASD Dream Conference. The playlist entitled "Dreaming Oceans" featured 41 curated remixes that played in the exhibit hall while attendees viewed art and communed with each other.

Oceans evoke contemplation, wonder. They symbolize the unconscious.

The remixes theme centered around dreams, and more specifically dreams related to whale songs--unique recordings of whales that were contributed to the ccMixter community by Oscar Frey. These whale songs dreamily swim throughout the uploads, and create a watery realm to the original soundscapes created.
Susan Ackerman Joseph, aka "sackjo22"

Thank you to the IASD, to Susan and Oscar, and to all the ccMixter artists that contributed to this special event. May everyone who listens to these incredibly deep and imaginative remixes have dreams filled with creativity and connectivity.

Listen to the music here:
Dreaming Oceans Playlist

Read more about the Ocean Dreams Remix event here:

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