Sunday, October 13, 2019

Perspective's Remixes It's Like Fall

Collaboration in the art world can often be a complicated affair.  Art is close to the heart of it's creators, and opinions on how it is displayed to the public can be intense.   So when we were offered the opportunity to provide music for the opening of Ventura Artists' Union's show "It's Like Fall" we were excited and hopeful that it would compliment the art in the gallery.  We are happy to inform you it did.

"I get it!" said artist union memeber Michael Swngler, "the music is created in collaboration and really fits the mood of the show.  Very cool!"

We'd like to thank Art City Studios and the Ventura Artists' Union for asking us to particitpate in this show.  Please visit there websites to see the art they curate.

You can listen to the music featured by going to the Perspectives Remix Event Playlist.  

This kind of collaboration is what we live for.  If you have an idea about how you'd like to work with us, give us a shout.

Art widens our Perspective.

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