Saturday, February 16, 2008

Call for Linkers

Howdy folks, glad you're groovin on the new mixshter, now we need your help...

As you know we're collecting trackback links. Well, teru has done a stunning job at collecting video link backs but we could use some help populating the others: podcasts, albums and web reviews.

For a preview of the page will look like check it out (shhhhhhh ;).

If everybody just spends 15-20 min filling out the 'I used/saw this remix...' stuff we should be able to get it to a non-embarrassing level of at least one filled out page per trackback type.

Here's specifically what you do (here's where multi-tab browsers are a godsend):

1) Find a podcast/album/web-review of ccmixter material
2) In another browser tab open ccM and find the remix that is used in that podc/album/rev...
3) Click on the appropriate trackback type and copy the url from (1) into that form and fill out the rest of the Trackback form.

If the podcast/album/review refers to more than one remix (wahoo!) then repeat steps 2 & 3 - all you do is just paste the url from step 1 (make sure it is the exact same url) and we'll do the rest.

Make sense?



Gurdonark said...

I love this new set of features. It will be great if people begin to credit at the page, because not only does that save googling to find the uses, but it also is a great way to alert us all to new creative material by podcasters, vid makers and other creative people out there in the wide world. Everyone wins.

fourstones said...

cool, bob - we could really use the podcast trackbacks - so, er, start linking ;)

Gurdonark said...

I'll get to it. I've got a goodish set of tracks to my tracks to log in, but over time, I'll see if I search out other podcasts wtih other folks' material as well.

It's funny how it's fun to be used even in the smallest thing. Yesterday I found I was sampled as part of someone's homework assignement fulfillment and it made me smile, little thing though that be.

MC Jack in the Box said...

wow, cool feature. so should we check stuff we know has been previously pointed out? (like the lonelygirl15 stuff for instance)

fourstones said...

yea, lonelygirl is a perfect example of what we're looking for. If you go to Pat (or your) remix they used and you don't see a link to it then YES enter it.