Thursday, May 10, 2007

Brisbane Airport remix

Hello all:

I ran across this interesting post about an airport remix, for the Queensland Music Festival. Here's the information:

"I'd like to extend an invitation to you to participate in a new project I am curating for the Queensland Music Festival this year. It's a project focused on the sounds and atmospheres of airports, transit, travel and these themes that increasingly are becoming a part of our everyday lives.... The work also reflects on flows, bodies in movement across the face of the earth and also the ideas related to 'noise pollution'. In some ways the work ponders the question is 'one person's perception of noise another's inspiration for art'.

Please visit the website below. There you'll find an array of field recordings (in folders for easy download) I have made over the past few months at Brisbane Airport. I invite you to make a work based on these recordings and themes - you can use any number of sounds in either raw or processed forms, with or without other sound elements in the mix - it's up to you.

If you like please upload the piece (to your server or perhaps via and email a link to ( and we will consider it for an online edition and sound installation to be shown as part of the QMF. Pieces can be of any length and style - but please do consider the aspects of the concept in your work. deadline for the call for works is June 18. We'll be in touch with the selected artists in July. We look forward to hearing your works. cheers +l lawrence english - room40

PS please feel free to send this to any one else you feel might be interested...."

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