Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the Kleptones

Did you know ccMixterblog is on the Kleptones' [Places of Interest] links list?

That's too freakin' cool! : )


fourstones said...

eric k. has become quite a friend of CC ;) he was here in town all last week, DJ'd at ccSalon and I got to spend a lot of time with him. Turns out (no surprise if you think about it) he's not only hugely talented, but smart, wise and all around good guy.

Marco Raaphorst said...

yes, it's cool. the also left some comments here in the past.

San Fransico must be a great place. hopefully we can arrange some interesting ccSalons in Holland one day. Or something like Barcamp. I have briefly talked with Bjorn ( about it.

Eric Kleptone said...

Indeed - this is on my bookmark list of online places for a good reason! (Yeah, yeah, I know Victor, I'm sorting out an aggregator.)

Anyway, SF was excellent fun, as was the Salon, and Victor is a damn fine lunch date - thanks again for your hospitality!


teru said...

So cool. Thanks for taking time to visit and the link. : )

Biotic said...

I feel pretty jazzed that I have a link from ccmixterblog!