Friday, April 08, 2011

Strike the Root: ccMixter Remixes Lessig

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." ~ Henry David Thoreau

Roots by Heather is 'Striking the Root' -- with music.When Dr. Lawrence Lessig asked ccMixter to create a remix event around his 'Rootstrikers' project, we were honored and energized. As most of you know, Dr. Lessig helped create ccMixter with Creative Commons, Neeru Paharia and Victor Stone back in 2004. The site launched with David Byrne, The Beastie Boys, and Cee-Lo through the Wired Magazine Project.

Remix Larry Lessig -- and many others. At ccMixter, artists will record and contribute pellas, spoken word, samples, and remixes for the Strike the Root Remix Project. Lessig is encouraging worldwide participation at where people can share their personal stories about corruption -- how it's impacted their lives, with ideas on how to fix it.

As artists, we believe we can facilitate a musical discussion – where the darkness of corruption can be lightened by sharing, collaboration and creativity. In music, striking the root chord (basse fondamentale) is fundamental to a song’s structure, and it rings throughout.

A special thanks to Heather Offord for painting 'Roots' and contributing this beautiful artwork to the Strike the Root Remix Project.

To support ccMixter and the Strike the Root Remix Project, become a contributing member at TuneTrack. During the project, 10% of membership patronage will be contributed to Lessig's nonprofit Fix Congress First.

Read the press release.