Friday, April 21, 2006

a small introduction

This is my first post as a member of the ccmixterblog so I'll introduce myself.

My name is Bjorn Wijers a Dutch guy living in the middle of the Netherlands and I was asked by Marco Raaphorst to join this blog. Needless to say that I said yes! I'm one of the founders of Simuze: a Dutch music platform that allows musicians to upload their own work under a CC license and music lovers to download music they like for free. If your Dutch is rusty and you're curious, check this page for all the music on Simuze with less Dutch. We combine online with offline events where musicians that are part of Simuze can perform. We founded a foundation for Simuze (Open-Media foundation) and are supported by Dutch ISP XS4all with hosting and bandwidth. Besides Simuze I work part-time for Waag Society, I'm involved with Creative Commons the Netherlands and I have my own little digital media company called Oh, and I totally digg vegetarian food, digital culture, programming and I'm a total information and music junkie. I think that's more than you ever wanted to know about me so I'll shut up about myself :)

Ps: I think its really cool to have all these people that care so much about music together and I'm honoured to be part of this group.


Gurdonark said...

Welcome. You folks do worthy work.

teru said...

Welcome. You should forward your site to cc365 too. I'm sure Grant Robertson is always looking for new CC music. : )

BjornW said...

Thanks everybody! I feel very welcome!

Marco Raaphorst said...

Hoi Bjorn!